UI Dev Newsletter Issue #100
In this issue: CSS nesting gotchas, making personal jQuery, StackOverflow survey results, and more.
The gotchas of CSS Nesting
Kilian Valkhof dives into how browsers transform your nested CSS into individual rules.
Semantic Code in HTML: What is it and does it still matter?
Paul Boag explains how to ensure your code is semantic even if you are using a framework or website builder app.
Positioning anchored popovers
Hidde de Vries explores what options we have in terms of positioning popovers relative to their invoker.
Styling scrollbars
Ollie Williams covers standardized solutions for styling scrollbars.
Mastering CSS Blend Modes
Learn how CSS mix blend modes work and create visually exciting designs.
How to detect unnecessary renderings of DOM elements in your web app to improve performance
Maxime Robert demonstrates how to find unnecessary repaints using Paint flashing in Chrome DevTools.
Create your own personal jQuery!?
Chris Ferdinandi shows how to create your jQuery-like library using the JavaScript class pattern and some modern methods.
StackOverflow 2023 Developer Survey
Explore StackOverflow annual survey and learn how more than 90,000 developers learn and level up, which tools they're using, and which ones they want.