UI Dev Newsletter Issue #96
In this issue: CSS text balancing, CSS tips, accessibility and SEO tactics, and more.
CSS text balancing with text-wrap:balance
Ahmad Shadeed explores text-wrap: balance and explains how it works in various scenarios.
Observing CSS
Jonathan Neal explains how JavaScript observing CSS changes works.
Temani Afif shares a small website where you can learn one-minute CSS tricks.
The Performance Golden Rule Revisited
Tim Kadlec explains all about 80 / 20 rule of web performance and provides some helpful advice related to the user experience.
Slice — an app to remove variable font axes
Stefan Judis describes how to shave off bytes by limiting font axis range values or removing axes entirely.
7 tactics that benefit both accessibility and SEO
Matthew Luken covers seven areas of optimization that legitimately benefit accessibility and SEO.
The Washington Post Design System: Accessibility
The Washington Post shares its accessibility guidelines that include an accessibility checklist, testing strategies, and considerations to make when creating online content.
CSS HD Gradients
Adam Argyle creates a modern #CSS gradient and color-picking tool for next-gen gradients.