UI Dev Newsletter Issue #67
In this issue: inlining Critical CSS across the JavaScript ecosystem, media queries support in CSS and JavaScript, DevTools Font Editor, and more.
Resource inlining in JavaScript frameworks
Minko Gechev shows how to improve Largest Contentful Paint across the JavaScript ecosystem by inlining Critical CSS.
Detecting media query support in CSS and JavaScript
Kilian Valkhof shows how to detect support for media queries regardless of if they are turned on.
Using the Specificity of :where() as a CSS Reset
Mojtaba Seyedi explains how to use the 'where()' selector to reset the weight of the selector for easier overriding.
Prevent unwanted Layout Shifts caused by Scrollbars with the scrollbar-gutter CSS property
Bramus Van Damme explains how developers could control a side-effect when showing scrollbars on the web to avoid layout shifts.
The Ultimate Cheat sheet List For Web Developers
Insha Ramin shares some quick and helpful cheat sheets that'll save you hours in wasted time each week.
Chrome DevTools: Easily control typography with the CSS Font Editor
Umar Hansa shows how to use the font editor within the styles pane to change typography on a web page quickly.
How To Learn Stuff Quickly
Josh Comeau shares what he has learned about learning and shows how he pick up new skills lickety-split.
PageSpeed Compare
Sander Heilbron shares a project that allows you to compare performance metrics of your pages against each other or your competitors using Google PageSpeed Insights.