UI Dev Newsletter Issue #61
In this issue: size-adjust property, frontend auditing tools, CSS system colors, and more.
CSS size-adjust for @font-face
Adam Argyle introduces size-adjust property that could adjust fonts, to normalize the document font sizes and prevent layout shift when switching between fonts.
Media Queries in Times of @container
Max Böck tries to figure out will we need media queries at all with container queries on the horizon.
Chris Coyier explains the difference between '_blank' and 'blank' in the target attribute.
The right tag for the job: why you should use semantic HTML
Sophie Koonin shows why you should use semantic HTML tags and how they are announced in screen readers.
CSS System Colors
Jim Nielsen shows how to use color-scheme property to make dark mode.
The mobile web is the web
Chris Ferdinandi explains why we should think of performance when building for the web.
Three Front-End Auditing Tools I Discovered Recently
Stefan Judis shares three less-known tools that might help you optimize your page speed score.
A site that shows you who can use a combination of two colors.