UI Dev Newsletter Issue #58
In this issue: Google's course for CSS, animated button hover effects, a love letter to CSS, and more.
Learn CSS
Google's evergreen CSS course and reference to level up your web styling expertise.
Advanced CSS Animation Using cubic-bezier()
Temani Afif explains how to use custom timing functions and math to do fancy animations without the complex keyframes we generally reach for.
Fun Animated Button Hover Effect In CSS
Aphinya Dechalert explains how to create an entertaining hover effect using transitions and pseudo-elements.
Add scroll margin to all elements which can be targeted
Andy Bell shows how to add an extra bit of space to targeted elements using the 'scroll-margin-top' property.
A Love Letter to HTML & CSS
Ashley Kolodziej writes a letter of appreciation for HTML and CSS; the two most neglected yet essential champions of modern web technology.
To those who struggle to get perfect score in Page Speed Insights. YNWA.
Google homepage score is far from perfect.
Microsoft is finally retiring Internet Explorer in 2022
Internet Explorer will no longer be supported in June 2022.
136 facts every web dev should know before they burn out and turn to landscape painting or nude modelling
Baldur Bjarnason shares a list of everything he learned about web development in the almost twenty-five years of practice.