UI Dev Newsletter Issue #39
In this issue: state of CSS in 2020, CSS variable usage, eco-friendly website, and more.
State Of CSS 2020 Report
A quick overview of a few major CSS trends from the State Of CSS 2020 survey.
The Art of Building Real-life Components
Ahmad Shadeed describes in details how to recreate the Facebook Messenger's sidebar card and its versions.
What Can You Put in a CSS Variable?
Will Boyd shows different examples of CSS Variables usage.
Drawing Decorative Lines with CSS
Rik Schennink shows different ways how to create lines in CSS, including pseudo elements and SVG.
Jeremy Keith writes about listitis and accessible lists.
Case Study: lynnandtonic.com 2020 refresh
Lynn Fisher explains the process of the creation of new fancy on the homepage.
So you wanna create an eco-friendly website
Eric Bailey tries to answer how you make a website or web app not-awful in ecology.
HTML CSS Easy steps to create a web template from scratch
Complete easy to follow guide to create your own web template using HTML and CSS Quick Crash course for beginners.