UI Dev Newsletter Issue #36
In this issue: mastering CSS, UI components in SVG, sticky CSS Grid items, and more.
What Makes CSS Hard To Master
Tim Severien reflects on the CSS language and finds out what makes it hard.
Creating UI components in SVG
Sarah Drasner illustrates the possibilities that SVG opens up for UI component development by walking through and breaking down one particular use case, the timeline.
Creating randomness with pure CSS
Adir Slutzki shows how to make a random card effect using pure HTML and CSS.
Lots of Ways to Use Math.random() in JavaScript
Jwahir Sundai showcases different creative usages of Math.random() in JavaScript, including random animation, random image and random background color.
Sticky CSS Grid Items
Melanie Richards explains the problem and the solution on how to make a grid item sticky.
Boop! - A whimsical twist on hover transitions
Josh Comeau describes how to build an animated “boop” hover effect in React.
Customer Experience or User Experience?
Bob Salmon writes about his understanding of CX and UX terms, how they’re similar and different.
HTML Tags Memory Test
Paul Foster makes a game-like demo about how many HTML tags can you remember?