UI Dev Newsletter Issue #35
In this issue: Web Almanac report, sizing in CSS, handling legacy code, and more.
HTTP Archive's annual state of the web report
The Web Almanac is a comprehensive report on the state of the web, backed by real data and trusted web experts.
2020 End-of-Year Thoughts Archives
Web builders answer the same question: What is one thing you learned about building websites this year?
What you might not know about sizing in CSS
Tomas Pustelnik shares his findings of sizing and layout models and how to handle possible issues.
Alt vs Figcaption
Elaina Natario writes how alt attribute and figcaption tag are interpreted by assistive technologies.
A Utility Class for Covering Elements
Michelle Barker explores different ways how to make utility class for completely covering one element with another.
How To Design A Simple UI When You Have A Complex Solution
Suzanne Scacca shares some tips for designing a simple UI regardless of your solution’s complexity.
How to cope with legacy code and technical debt
Ivo Lukač writes in-depth post explaining what legacy code and technical debt are and how to deal with it.
Find out how much turning on modern JS could save.