UI Dev Newsletter Issue #29
In this issue: gradient borders, LCP optimization, blobs, and more.
CSS Variables for React Devs
Josh Comeau shows how to take advantage of CSS variables and use it in React apps.
Little Things on My Personal Site
Chris Coyier documents little interesting bits of his personal website re-write, like fonts, colors and YouTube embed.
Gradient borders with curves and 3d movement in CSS (Nextjs ticket clone)
Medhat Dawoud writes a step-by-step tutorial on how to build a ticket with gradient border and 3D interaction.
NDTV achieved a 55% improvement in LCP by optimizing for Core Web Vitals
Read how NDTV enhanced user experience and thus retention by optimizing for Web Vitals.
A CSS stylesheet to quickly highlight a11y concerns.
Announcement: We've partnered with BrowserStack
Caniuse team announces its partnership with BrowserStack, which allows testing properties on real browsers and devices.
1 Step to Incentivize Stars and Forks on GitHub
Nastyox shares a copy-and-paste snippet that will enable you to feature your supporters by name in the README file.
Blobs app allows you to generate beautiful blob shapes for web and flutter apps.