UI Dev Newsletter Issue #8
In this issue: new CSS pseudo classes, overlapping header, web dev feeds, and more.
CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers
The new CSS :is() and :where() pseudo-classes are now supported in the preview versions of both Safari (Tech Preview 106) and Firefox (version 78). Chrome’s implementation remains behind flag.
Overlapping Header with CSS Grid
Jonathan Snook found a way to make an overlapping header with CSS Grid using before pseudo element.
Reverse ordered lists
Manuel Matuzović found interesting solutions for a list of items in reverse order.
Where to Find Remote Developer Jobs
Kyle Prinsloo reviews some remote job boads with pros and cons for every single one.
How to Apologize
Jason C. McDonald analyses Triplebyte’s apology email.
Web Dev Feeds
Šime Vidas created a collection of over 800 RSS feeds for web developers, updated monthly.
CSS Section Separator Generator
A tool for creating unique section separators.
CSS Grid: Newspaper Layout
Olivia Ng created awesome newsletter layout using CSS Grid.