UI Dev Newsletter Issue #6
In this issue: the fastest Google Fonts, CSS overflow, fast software, and more.
JavaScript to Know for React
Kent C. Dodds shares how much JavaScript is enough to learn React.
The Fastest Google Fonts
Harry Roberts figures out the most efficient way to load Google Fonts.
Overflow In CSS
Ahmad Shadeed digs deep in overall in CSS.
How to Ruin Your Career in 8 Easy Steps
Excellent list of advices how not to ruin your career.
Let’s Make One of Those Fancy Scrolling Animations Used on Apple Product Pages
Jurn van Wissen shows how to recreate an animation from Apple’s site.
My favourite line of CSS
Damon Muma shares how to make a responsive grid without media queries.
Fast Software, the Best Software
Craig Mod shares his thoughts about building fast and light software.
PerfectPixel by WellDoneCode (pixel perfect)
Chrome extension which make it easier to develop pixel-perfect sites.