UI Dev Newsletter Issue #1
In this issue: JavaScript talks, CSS talks, Git tips and tricks, and more.
Must watch JavaScript by AllThingsSmitty
Matt Smith’s collection of well-received talks about JavaScript.
Must watch CSS by AllThingsSmitty
Matt Smith’s collection of well-received talks about CSS.
CSS Protips by AllThingsSmitty
Matt Smith’s collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro.
My journey to 9 software engineering offers
Utsav Ahuja shares his learnings and advice on software engineering offers.
Little Things I Like to Do with Git
Harry Roberts shares his Git tips and tricks.
The Top 100+ Developer Tools 2019
A single place with more than 100 tools and apps for developers.
4 Simple Tips to Better Communication for devs (or how to avoid conflict, confusion, and talk to people).
Leo Gopal shares some useful insights and thoughts about communication skills.
Fit on a Floppy
Could you fit your website on a floppy disc?