CSS Auditors
CSS Auditors is a project which mission is to put the CSS under the spotlight and educate developers about its importance.

Other projects
Web Dev Zoo
Discover valuable insights about web development.
UI Dev Newsletter
UI Dev Newsletter is a hand-curated list of articles, tutorials, and tools related to User Interface development delivered to your inbox every two weeks.
Advent of redesign 2024
For every day of advent I am showcasing the progress of my website redesign.
Invalid CSS
Invalid CSS is a project that features CSS declarations that are not valid and non-existing. None of CSS code provided was valid at the time of publishing.
Advent of UI components 2021
During every day of the Advent of UI components, I am building a new UI Component. The theme? You guessed it ― Christmas. 🎄
Code Line Daily
Code Line Daily is a side project dedicated to providing daily single-liners to help developers improve skills and knowledge in the field of web development.
Dev Cards 360
Discover the web development skills and weaknesses with Dev Cards 360, a comprehensive Vue.js project showcase.
CSS Masonry
A JavaScript recalculation for the CSS Grid masonry layout.
Learn how to build a ribbon component with CSS and SVG backgrounds that could serve as styled breadcrumbs element for your site.
Hexo theme SB
SB is a clean and simple theme for Hexo blog framework based on pink and dark colors, Vollkorn and Playfair Display fonts, and best practices in 2018.
Making a website with Hugo
“Making a website with Hugo” is a course about using Hugo for making websites, a fast and flexible open-source static site generator written in Go.
SPRO / Starter Project CLI
Learn about the Starter Project, a set of the latest and best practices in web development, packed into Gulp tasks that fits into every project.
The UI Dev Mentoring Program
Learn about the UI Development Mentoring project and how it could help you create high-quality, visually appealing, modern user interfaces.