My Publications
Here are the posts that I wrote for some prominent publications.
I wrote for Smashing Magazine, CSS Tricks, Frontend Masters, LogRocket, and Toptal.
Infinite-Scrolling Logos In Flat HTML And Pure CSS
Drawing a line to connect elements with CSS anchor position
Building a live preview with Eleventy and Contentful
How to make a “Raise the Curtains” effect in CSS
The CSS from-font value explained in 4 demos
How to build an expandable accessible gallery
Tools for auditing CSS
Get sticky and full-bleed elements to play well together
How to create a multi-step form the easy way
Interview for Remote Working Hub
A Comparison of Static Form Providers
My favorite Netlify features
How to add a contact form to a static website
Oh, the many ways to make triangular breadcrumb ribbons!
5 things to consider when creating your CSS style guide
Overview of popular Static Site Generators
From WordPress to Hexo